Carpet & Rugs

At Home, the Office, or Your Favorite Restaurant –

A new carpet or rug can make any setting feel warm and inviting making it a popular choice for all types of areas.

We have hundreds of stylish products to choose from, and all from your most trusted brands.

Carpet & rug products

Did you know...
not all carpets are created equal.
But you don't have to spend the most
to get the BEST!

As a floorcovering dealer, we know the value of a quality carpet. The majority of our showroom features products made from 100% Nylon – the most durable carpet fiber.

Most products also boast superior stain and soil resistance with ease of cleaning on ALL natural food and beverage spills and pet urine for the Life of the Carpet. (see warranty brochure for details)

Frequently Asked Questions:

Q: Is carpeting harmful to my health?

A: Most carpet fibers come from the family of plastics using some of the same materials found in many types of clothing, upholstery and even car parts (i.e. nylon, polyester, and polypropylene). The carpet backings are generally polypropylene and are attached together with a latex adhesive. Stain treatments on carpeting are also similar to those used on other fabrics.

As for off-gassing and other carpet odors, yes, all products have that “new smell” associated with them including shoes, clothes, cars, toys, etc. Dissipation of such odors depends on humidity and air circulation, but may take a few days. Most clients barely notice it, but there are some people with higher sensitivity that may want to open a window for a few days and have the carpet aired-out ahead of installation if possible.

Some physicians may also suggest carpeting for those with respiratory problems because carpet acts as a filter, holding down hair, dust, and other particulates from reentering the air and possibly the lungs. It is advised to seek a carpet labeled “Bulk Continuous Filament (BCF)” due to its construction and therefore characteristic to fuzz less over time. Always consult your own physician if you have questions.

Q: What does Lifetime Wear Warranty mean?

A: Wear warranties refer to abrasive loss of yarn fiber. Abrasion typically occurs when carpet is not regularly maintained (i.e. vacuumed or cleaned). It would be almost impossible to have an abrasion issue with a properly maintained carpet, therefore manufacturers rarely entertain claims on wear. The resistance to matting and crushing is a totally separate characteristic and can be achieved with a density and fiber type best suited for the traffic amount in the area.

Q: How can I avoid seeing vacuum and footprint marks in my carpet?

A: You can't always avoid vacuum and footprint marks, but if you are trying to minimize them, stay away from velvety plushes or products that are really tall, loose, and super soft. Shorter, denser, and firmer products hide best, but that doesn't mean you have to sacrifice style or comfort. A casual frieze style with tightly twisted fiber and/or a product with some multicolor are both popular. Loop “berbers” are also available in a multitude of patterns and colors and are often sought after for hiding footprints

Q: What kind of pad should I get?

A: In some cases, specialty carpets may require a felt or rubber pad, but generally a quality bonded cushion is suggested. FHA requires a 5 lb. bonded as a minimum standard, but most carpet manufacturers require a 6 lb. minimum to ensure proper support for the carpet with a 71/2 lb. – 8 lb. being most recommended. Cushion thicknesses generally vary from 1/4” – 1/2” depending on the desired comfort level but should never exceed a half inch. Some cushions are available with Spillguard technology which helps to keep unwanted liquids that may have soaked through the carpet from easily soaking into the pad. Others may have an odor-guard integrated that can help to minimize or eliminate odors left by spills and pet accidents.

Q: Do you carry Rugs?

A: We stock a limited amount of pre-made rugs due to the high demand for custom sizes, shapes, patterns and colors. Some products can be ordered to pre-determined manufacturer specifications, but any carpet in our showroom can be fabricated into a custom rug or runner, including any matching balances from your recent installation. Edges are bound or surged in coordinating colors unless otherwise noted, and borders are available. Felt or non-slip rubber backings can also be added if desired.